Please feel free to click any of these buttons for a direct MLS search of those categories. You will be redirected to the next page and a direct link to the MLS. You can view Maven Realty’s current listings at the bottom of this page. You may manually search the MLS using the “Search the Entire MLS” button. You will be required to filter by area, property type, price, etc. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any interest in any of these properties. These links only represent a portion of the current inventory. For example, we have not provided any searches for multifamily properties, vacant land or out of area homes, although, those property types can be accessed in the Search the Entire MLS” format. We are always more than happy to send you custom searches and set you up a personal MLS portal, as well as an automatic email tailored to your requirements. Have fun!
Search the Entire MLS
North Charleston, Hanahan, Summerville, Ladson and Goose Creek
West Ashley, James Island, Johns Island, Folly Beach and Edisto Beach
Mount Pleasant, Daniel Island, Isle of Palms and Sullivans Island